"I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated." - James Nachtwey

Monday, 15 March 2010

Evaluation: Week TWO and THREE

These past two weeks have NOT gone well...A great example of the problems faced by a photographer...all in one go!

Week Two

I am very pleased with week two's photos. I went to work with Dad and took some images of his workshop, sticking to my obvious engineering obsession. I find factories and workshops to be very interesting. Both weeks two and three took a great deal of inspiration from an old favourite of mine, Greg White. Week two focused upon his factory-themed images in particular. I will go into more detail about Greg White in a later blog entry. 

The images below are a number of White's images that interested and influenced me this week;

...and last but not least, one of my VERY favourite images by any photographer:

What stands out about this image is the very minimal colour pallet. The whole image is black and white apart from two very vibrant reds on the foreground car's breaks and by the right-hand side computer. 

Week Three
Week three...not good! This week I had planned to go into the studio with Jade and Tash (links can be found with week two's images). My plan was to take behind-the-scenes photos from Jade's Monroe shoot using my Mini Diana. I took the film to be developed in great confidence but when I got the photos back they were awful! Below are Greg White's images I had planned to take influence from.

After seeing my terrible images I had to quickly take some replacements. Sticking with my Greg White theme, I had a go at some still life using my light box. I feel these came out well considering my lack of experience with light boxes and macro.

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