"I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated." - James Nachtwey

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

A Shift in Weather

Taken: 18th February, 2010
Edited: 23rd February, 2010
Camera used: Finepix S5800

My first upload, this image was taken in Rugby, near Coventry during the February half-term. It snowed for 3 days while I was there and during that time I took a liking to how the area outside the window looked. While taking spontaneous, badly exposed photos through a foggy window, I managed to take this image of a woman with her umbrella. At first glance, I thought it was a dud image but when I noticed her red hangbag and coat I thought the image may have potential and got to work editing it. I simply adjusted the levels and raised the red curve in photoshop and this is the result. I grew to like the blurring as it adds to the mystery of the image.

Taken: 18th February, 2010
Edited: 23rd February, 2010
Camera used: Finepix S5800

Taken in the same photoshoot as the image above but slightly more structured. What appealed to me about this image is the contrast between the window frame and the scene outside. Through the window you can see a building site covered in snow with the thick. fluffy snowflakes drifting past the window. I really like where the branches from the trees are at the bottom of the window. The only editing I did to this image was make the window frame darker as it was a very dark grey colour in the original image.

Taken: 23rd February, 2010

Edited: 25th February, 2010
Camera used: Finepix S5800

Another example of my fascination with Skyscapes (or 'Cloudscapes'). This was a very lucky shot with the bird flying right through the centre of the view. What draws me to this image in particular is the difference between the dense, dark clouds and the fluffy white clouds with the sunlight beaming throughout the image. Although the colours look very edited, I barely touched them. All I did to this image was resize it slightly to make the bird more of a centrepiece. I would love to try taking some Skyscape photos on my Nikon N50 someday as I was given an orange filter with it and this could add some great effect. I could take some great inspiration from Alfred Stieglitz "Equivalent" series. 

Personal examples:

Taken: 21st February, 2010
Edited: N/A
Camera used: Finepix S5800

This is a type of image I seem to shoot a great deal. I love the contrast between man-made structures and the sky, especially when fluffy clouds are involved. I have never been sure what inspires me to take photos like this. This photo has a great sense of depth and perspective.

Below are links to similar photographs I have taken in the past.

Taken: 21st February, 2010
Edited: N/A
Camera used: Finepix S5800

This photo was taken at the same train station as the above image. I find this train station quite interesting due to generally how colourful it is. I also noticed the little bit of snow left over on the track which is a nice contrast against how sunny it is. I really like the way the dark shadows are cast across the track. As with the above image, the whole image has very deep sense of perspective.
Below is a link to similar work of mine.
